Monthly Archives: June 2010

Please Open Your Mind About Digital Advertising

Companies and organizations of all sorts, including credit unions, must re-evaluate how they will reach the public. That’s because the old ways of advertising have been updated.

Traditional print advertising, in products such as newspapers or magazines, has a limited reach. Additionally, the growing number of television and radio stations means commercials on those platforms reach a smaller audience share. In a study of six of the most popular network news programs on TV, the Pew Research Center found five of them had a lower average share in 2014 than they did in 2009.

However, in a study comparing TV to online videos, 72 percent of advertising agencies found online videos to be as or more effective than TV, according to a 2015 survey by video advertising firm BrightRoll.

Platforms such as Twitter, which allows consumers to choose the news they want to read, and digital video recorders, which give viewers the option to fast-forward through unwanted commercials, have adjusted the strategies for reaching customers to sell their products, they use different strategies or tools, for example a WordTree Amazon Keyword Tool help them find the most searched words on Amazon and promote their products accordingly.

So how can credit unions reach new members? They must turn to mobile and digital spaces, and invest advertising dollars there.

Stay ahead of the curve
Digital advertising isn’t just a trend; it is here to stay. In 2014, companies spent more than 10 percent of their total revenue on marketing, according to a Gartner survey. That same survey found that 51 percent of the companies or organizations who participated planned to increase their digital marketing budget in 2015, by an average of 17 percent.

A credit union executive doesn’t want to be left behind, so evolving as a advertiser is important. What worked last month may not work in the future, and it is important to always be looking for the next digital advertising innovation. That means not only advertising on websites, but also mobile phones and applications. Print, radio and TV may not be dead, but for a credit union to really stand out and find new members, it must have an online advertising presence.

It all starts with the phones
A common place to begin, when it comes to digital advertising, is on smartphones. Phones are an advertiser’s dream, as the majority of Americans look at them multiple times per day. In fact, 64 percent of Americans have a smartphone, according to a study done by the Pew Research Center. Among young adults aged 18 to 29, 15 percent are dependent on their mobile devices for internet use.

“The old ways of advertising have been updated.”

Being unique in the crowded world of mobile advertising takes work. Credit unions should consider making video ads that can integrate with applications. Smartphone users spent 86 percent of the time on their phone using apps in 2014, TechCrunch reported. Finding out what applications potential members may be using can help credit unions to gain attention. For credit unions, smartphone advertising presents an opportunity to attract members at all times of the day. Mobile ads are growing in popularity, with companies around the world projected to spend a total of $118 billion on mobile advertising through 2018, according to eMarketer. With more competition in the marketplace, it is more important than ever to stand out and not fall behind.

Suka Duka Beberapa FItur di iOS 4 iPhone 3G

Hari selasa kemarin saya mengupdate iPhone 3G saya menjadi menggunakan iOS 4. Memang dalam iPhone 3G, iOS 4 ini tidak berjalan sangat maksimal karena beberapa fitur tidak bisa di jalankan. Beberapa website yang saya lihat mengatakan fitur-fitur yang tidak bisa jalan tersebut bisa kita jalankan jika kita mau men-jailbreak iPhone 3G kita.

Beberapa hari menggunakan iOS 4 ini, ada beberapa fitur & applikasi yang saya sukai yaitu:

  1. Unified Inbox. Seperti Blackberry, begitulah saya menjelaskan dengan enteng ke teman-teman yang menanyakan bedanya apa antara OS lama dan OS baru tersebut. Sebenarnya hanya mirip, karena dalam unified inbox ini, e-mail dalam folder-folder yang kita definisikan dalam iPhone tidak ditampilkan, berbeda dengan Blackberry yang mengeluarkan semua messagenya sampai ke folder-folder yang kita definisikan. Satu lagi improvement di sisi e-mail ini adalah koneksi yang saya rasakan lebih stabil dari sebelumnya. Jika sebelumnya saya menggunakan jaringan GPRS sangat-sangat susah untuk menarik e-mail, kini dengan jaringan GPRS saya malah dengan mudah membaca e-mail yang ada di iPhone. Siang ini (25 Juni 2010), saya menemukan kejanggalan dalam proses e-mail yang ada di iOS 4 ini. Saya me-reply e-mail ke banyak orang, ternyata e-mail tersebut sudah sampai dan di handset e-mail tersebut masih bercokol di outbox, dan ketika saya mencoba kirim lagi, keluar notifikasi error, dan sebenarnya notifikasi ini adalah palsu, karena e-mail yang saya coba kirimkan lagi ternyata tetap terkirim.
  2. iBook. Saya pernah mencoba mendownload buku-buku yang ada di iTunes, tapi berbeda dengan iBook ini. iBook langsung mendeteksi dimensi daripada buku yang kita baca sehingga tulisannya tidak terlalu kecil atau terlalu berat. Hal negative  rasakan adalah, jika kita baru pertama membuka buku tersebut, dibutuhkan sedikit kesabaran karena loadingnya cukup lama. Ntah kenapa ya loadingnya bisa lama? ada yang tau?
  3. Folders. Dengan folder ini kita bisa menggabungkan applikasi-applikasi kita sehingga lebih rapi dan teratur. Dengan fitur ini saya jadi tau ternyata sebagian besar applikasi yang saya download adalah games.
  4. Faces and Places in Photo. Dengan fitur ini kita bisa tau dimana lokasi kita pernah mengambil foto yang ada di iPhone kita.

Untuk masalah wallpapers & multi tasking, wah saya kurang tau, kecuali ada yang mau memberikan ke saya iPhone 3GS atau bahkan iPhone 4. anyone? 😛